What are Fancy Succulents and Cactus?
Cacti, though come from as far north as Canada, and many are even native to the rainforests. Like bromeliads, a lot of cacti are epiphytes, and the cacti that are forest dwelling species grow over forest trees. The desert dwelling variety of cacti can survive for really long periods of time without rainfall.
Best tips for Bonsai care and maintainence
The word “Bon-sai” (often misspell as bonzai or banzai) is a Japanese term which, literally translated and means “trees that are planted in a shallow container”. This art form is derived from an ancient Chinese horticultural practice, part of which was then redeveloped under the influence of Japanese Zen Buddhism. Almost any kind of tree or plant can be a Bonsai, with the right care and styling techniques.
The Goodness of Greens !
When it comes to colouring your plate green, Indian greens give us a lot of choice and a variety of preparations to make sure monotony doesn’t trouble us. They feed us with plenty of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals along with fibre; all vital in all phases of life.